Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Hello fans!!

We just wanted to let you know how MUCH we appreciate all of your comments and prayers!! The comments make us laugh and we can feel the prayers every minute. We often look at each other and say ''Someone must have been praying for us right then!!!'' We are truly sorry about the no pictures, Char's computer has only been able to connect to the internet once and it took forever just to upload one. We will keep trying tho!!

Love to you all,

Girls In Europe


Unknown said...

Glad you are all well and safe! Your blogs have been great! I read the recent ones out loud to dad and Maddie! We had some good laughs... car rolling down hill in Spain, eating Chinese in Spain, pigs on the counter, trains almost missed, (I hope the Escuain's recover from their visit with you all) and sushi in Paris! Oh yeah, and Nat in high heels...not a good thing...do remember to wear your sensible shoes! Well stay safe and don't lose anything else!!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh don't worry about it! As long as you post all the photos when you get back!

Anonymous said...

well at least you can upload that one picture right?

Anders Viking said...

...recover from what?...We (at least I -Andrew-) miss them...I wish they have stayed longer!
Well, maybe they'll want to come back to Spain next summer (Never come in August--it's when it's most expensive and it's when I try--just try- to escape of that terrible heat!)

I hope you have a wonderful continuation of your travels and I can't wait to see the photos you all took--especially "the-girl-with-the-Canon XTi)--you know, to compare how good it is compared to my "older" Canon XT :-D

Take care and God bless!

Andreu Escuain